The gradient is formed from #ffffff and #d9d9d9. The gradient in the circle is straightforward. The circle should have a stroke, shadows and gradient added to it so let’s add one by one. Now that we have the circle, we need to style it. You can adjust the size of it in the Properties panel if it’s not perfectly aligned with the grid. Create a circle roughly 890px tall and wide. You want to use the Elliptical Tool which is under the button U. Try Startup App Try Slides App Other Products Step 3 – Create an Inner CircleĪ big part of this icons design is a white circle in the middle. With Startup App and Slides App you can build unlimited websites using the online website editor which includes ready-made designed and coded elements, templates and themes. If you mixed up the colors, simply rotate the angle to -135 or 315 degrees. The gradient needs to be set to go from the darker blue in the left top corner to the light blue in the right bottom corner.

In order to get it to be diagonal, set the angle to be at 135 degrees. The starting color should be #acced6 and the end color should be # 7cbece. We want to add a slight gradient to the background. Next, right click on the icon’s background layer and select Blending Options. To create the mask, select the mask icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel. Now there should be a marquee selection of the icon shape on your blue background. To do this press COMMAND or CTRL and click on the mask of the Rounded Mask layer. However, to get a better visual of how the icon is shaping I suggest using the mask. Technically this is not necessary as Apple rounds off the corners for you when you upload the image. Next, add a mask around the background color in the shape of the icon. With Postcards you can create and edit email templates online without any coding skills! Includes more than 100 components to help you create custom emails templates faster than ever before.